Colombia Ledy Moncayo (024)


Colombia Ledy Moncayo (024)

V60, MM, FP, AP

The coffee process starts with a careful picking of the ripest cherries. The cherries then undergo an in-cherry fermentation of approximately 24 hours inside plastic bags, after which they're floated to remove defective ones and any foreign material. Subsequently, the cherries are fermented again, but this time in a closed container without water
for 12 hours. Then the cherries are pulped, and the coffee is placed in closed containers with a degasifying valve for 50 hours.

Region: Huila
Varietal: Bourbon Arji
Altitude: 1,710 masl
Processing: Fully Washed

Tasting Notes and Best Use

This coffee has tasting notes of Bergamot, Elderflower, Sherbet

V60 Mocha Master (MM) French Press (FP) Aeropress (AP)


Regular price $26