Pour Over Brew Guide

Pour Over Brew Guide



This is a general guide to how we make pour overs with Skittle Lane dosage and equipment. It is important to note that if you change the dose or equipment, your results will vary and you will need to adjust the recipe accordingly.


Our coffee-to-water ratio is 1 : 16-16.5

Equipment required





Kettle (preferably a Gooseneck Kettle)

Pour Over Cone

Pour Over Filter Paper

Jug or Mug

Spoon/Straw or tool to make a well in the ground coffee


Place the pour over cone on top of your jug or mug. 


Place the filter paper in the pour over cone and rinse thoroughly with hot water, making sure the paper is even and completely wet. The paper needs to be preheated before you start brewing.


Empty hot water from mug and tear on the scale.


Grind and dose 20g of coffee into the wet filter paper in the pour over cone. Using a spoon, straw, or similar tool, dig a small well into the middle of the coffee grounds. Try to be as centred and even as possible with the position of the well.

Heat your water to 96°C.

Evenly pour 60g of hot water, or a 1 : 3 ratio, from the kettle onto the bed of coffee grounds, gently rotating or swirling for 3 seconds.


Let the coffee grounds bloom for 45 seconds. 

After 45 seconds pour more water onto the coffee in a circular motion, until it reaches a 130g total. Once the water level has drained to 1 cm above the coffee bed, pour up to 230g. Again, once the water is 1 cm above the coffee bed pour up to 330g.


To finish, gently swirl the coffee.

The total brew time should be between 3 - 3 ½ minutes. Adjust your grind size accordingly to achieve this time range.

If you’re not using a commercial grinder it’s likely you’ll need to aim for a faster brew time.


The desired outcome is to bring out the most you can from the coffee that you are brewing, without exposing undesirable traits such as astringency, bitterness and dryness. Ideally you want a balanced brew that is sweet and flavourful. It should have a rounded mouthful and show off the coffee’s best characteristics.


When pouring water from your kettle, pour from a height so your stream is vertical but doesn't splash. This will help give you a consistent flow rate. 


If your grinder is of a lower quality you may have to settle with a faster brew time to avoid dryness and astringency.

If your coffee is tasting bitter or astringent, grind your coffee coarser. If it is tasting sour or watery, grind your coffee finer.

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