Coffee Weight / Water Amount / Time:
15g / 240ml / 2:30
Step One:
Dose out 15g of filter coffee
Rinse the paper with hot water.
Grind your coffee to a coarse setting.
Step Two:
Gently pour in 50g water, just off boiling temp.
Step Three:
Pour the remaining 200ml In 3 increments that leads up to 2:30
Water Amount / Time:
200ml / 3-4 Pours
Step One:
Tear open the top of the drip bag along perforated line fold out the handles and slip over the edge of your mug.
Step Two:
Slowly pour 200ml ( or 3/4 times) of hot water into the drip bag
Step Three:
Once the coffee has fully brewed, remove the drip bag and enjoy
Coffee Weight / Water Amount / Time:
15g / 240ml / 2:30
Step One:
Dose out 15g of filter coffee
Rinse the paper with hot water.
Grind your coffee to a coarse setting.
Step Two:
Gently pour in 50g water, just off boiling temp.
Step Three:
Pour the remaining 200ml In 3 increments that leads up to 2:30
Coffee Weight / Water Amount / Time:
30g / 500ml / 5:00 (For 2-4 people)
Step One:
Dose out 50g of filter coffee
Grind your coffee to a coarse setting.
Step Two:
Rinse the filter with hot water.
Step Three:
Fill your water chamber to 1/2 its capacity (500ml) using room temp water
Coffee Weight / Water Amount / Time:
22g / 42-48ml / 24-27sec
Step One:
Dose out 22g of House Espresso coffee
Step Two:
Grind your coffee to a fine setting.
Step Three:
Using your coffee tamper, apply an even pressure to your coffee
Step Four:
We’re aiming for 45g of coffee out in 24-27 seconds
Coffee Weight / Water Amount / Time:
20.5g / 38-42ml / 21-26sec
Step One:
Dose out 20.5g of Single Origin Espresso coffee
Step Two:
Grind your coffee to a fine setting.
Step Three:
Using your coffee tamper, apply an even pressure to your coffee
Step Four:
We’re aiming for roughly 40g of coffee out in 21-26 seconds